NICE K12 Cybersecurity Education Conference attendees will experience cutting-edge presentations, networking, and resources—all from the safety and comfort of home or office. The event will provide education and learning tools that educators and schools can use immediately.

Gain the knowledge and best practices from fellow educators and industry experts; discover new methods and curriculum; develop skills and techniques to create and/or enhance your programs.

Participate in Q&A with live presenters, give feedback on presentations and panels, discuss topics in discussion boards, connect with attendees via chat, messaging, and virtual meetups.

Connect with fellow educators in networking breaks and virtual happy hours; share resources and experiences in virtual birds-of-a-feather sessions; discover new connections within virtual community groups.

Explore the virtual exhibitor hall, schedule one-on-one meetings with exhibitors, discover the latest technologies, products, and services.

  • Conference
ATE Area:
  • Information and Security Technologies
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