ATE Impacts

A Note on Archiving with ATE Central


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As the official archive for the ATE community, we work closely with projects and centers to collect and store the curriculum, professional development materials, videos, and other digital content created with ATE funding. It’s important to us that the process of archiving these valuable deliverables is as seamless as possible for grantees. To that end, we’ve recently introduced a few new archiving resources to help as you think through the archiving process.

For instance, last month we launched a new archive submission form to simplify the archiving process. The form is a quick and easy way to upload the materials you’ve created directly to the ATE Central site. Each request is reviewed, processed, and published by ATE Central staff, and best of all, you can keep track of your past and current archiving requests, all via your ATE Central user account.

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Supply Chain Technology Center Uses Data to Spark Interest in "Right Spaces"


The free e-textbook Introduction to the Automated Warehouse that SCTE developed with industry is available at

This year the National Center for Supply Chain Technology Education (SCTE) launched a strategy to address the shortage of technicians qualified to work in automated warehouses and distribution centers.

SCTE is convening Industry-Educator Workforce Forums to introduce two-year college educators to the career opportunities within automated warehouses and for the educators to meet with representatives of the nation's largest retail and shipping companies.

EMSI, a private labor market data provider, estimates that supply-chain, technician-related employment across the United States will grow by 9.1% with more than one million new jobs created between 2015 and 2025.

SCTE has further analyzed labor market data for its State Labor Market Data Briefs that provide detailed information about the expected job growth in the 19 states with the busiest and biggest supply chain "centroids" of mammoth warehouses near major airports and highways.

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What Bioscience Technicians Should Know: The 2016 Core Skill Standards for Bioscience Technicians


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Across a variety of careers and industries, skill standards offer an essential set of expectations that help define what workers need to know and do to succeed. As many of us in the ATE community prepare students for their career of choice, these standards provide an effective framework for developing courses, learning best practices, and identifying industry-specific benchmarks for success.

Recently, the 2016 Core Skill Standards for Bioscience Technicians Toolkit was released, highlighting a set of core technical competencies and skills that are shared across the Bioscience Lab, Biomanufacturing, and Medical Device domains of the bioscience industry.

ATE Central sat down with report authors Jeanette Mowery, Bio-Link Leadership Team, and John Carrese, Bio-Link, to find out a bit more.

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Build Your Own Customized Recruitment Video Tool Ready For Educators to Use


Educators who complete the free registration for the BYO Video Tool can combine snippets of ATETV video with their college's content by using YouTube Video Editor software.

Creating high quality videos to recruit students for advanced technology careers while showcasing particular college programs is much easier with the new Build Your Own Customized Recruitment Video Tool (BYO Video Tool).

An innovative Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program collaboration is providing all of ATETV's video footage, including uncut interviews with students, employers, and educators, in a vast keyword-searchable database accessible on, a website provided by the South Carolina Advanced Technological Education (SC ATE) National Resource Center for Expanding Excellence in Technician Education.

The BYO Video Tool is easy to navigate and free to all users thanks to the National Science Foundation's ATE grant support. Pellet Productions produces ATETV videos that inform viewers in English and Spanish about educational pathways and career opportunities in advanced technology fields. The BYO Video Tool and instructions reside on, where SC ATE also provides an online matching service that proactively links STEM educators with ATE-funded professional development opportunities and other STEM education resources.

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Emerging Technologies in Higher Education: A Closer Look at the 2016 NMC Horizon Report


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ATE community members may want to check out the 2016 New Media Consortium (NMC) Education Horizon Report. Published annually since 2002, this report is authored by 58 higher education specialists from around the globe in partnership with EDUCAUSE, a nonprofit organization dedicated to both investigating the role of information technology (IT) in higher education and advocating for effective implementation of IT in higher education contexts. According to the report’s executive summary, “With more than 14 years of research and publications, [the NMC Education Horizons Report] can be regarded as the world’s longest-running exploration of emerging technology trends and uptake in education.”

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Teacher Builds Partnerships with Lessons from Indigenous Fellows Institutes


Melanie Mesa Blas' students shared what they learned about climate change in Micronesia with Guam residents during a Disaster Preparedness Fair. Students' staffing of interactive booths was part of a pilot project with the Department of Agriculture, one of the organizations that partners with Blas.

At the Indigenous Fellows Institutes Melanie Mesa Blas expected to learn about ocean ecosystems and climate change, and effective STEM pedagogy. And she did.

But the unexpected lessons about building relationships are ones she has applied quite often and successfully since attending the 2013 institute in Guam and the 2015 institute in Hawaii. Both institutes were organized by the National Partnership for Environmental Technology Education (PETE) with an Advanced Technological Education grant. The professional development for science instructors of Native American and Pacific Islander students focuses on blending the perspectives of indigenous cultures with Western science knowledge.   

"Building relationships and honoring the elders I learned from National PETE and my fellows at the institute. I take that with me into my teaching and into my life and it has helped me to be the successful teacher and mom that I am today," Blas wrote in an email.

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A Closer Look at HI-TEC and the 2016 Keynote Speakers


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Each summer, the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HI-TEC) invites secondary and post-secondary educators, counselors, industry professionals, trade organizations, and technicians to come together and update their knowledge and skills about advanced technological education. Now in its eighth year, conference attendees have the option to choose from twenty pre-conference workshops and industry site tours during the first two days, followed by the two-day main conference featuring keynote speakers, 60+ breakout sessions, and an exhibit hall.

This year’s conference will be held July 25-28 at the Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh Downtown. Here is a closer look at the upcoming keynote presentations.

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G-FMS Games Finding Audience Beyond College


Rees Shad (on the right), associate professor of Visual and Performing Arts and chair of the Humanities Department at Hostos Community College, developed G-FMS instructional games in 2013 and 2014 with the help of students who went on to form a game-design company.

New York public school students are about to begin playing instructional games created by faculty and students at Hostos Community College for Game-Framed Mathematics and Science (G-FMS), a National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education project. The games created to help Hostos' digital media students succeed in remedial and introductory math and science courses are now aiming for wider use among younger students.

G-FMS Principal Investigator Rees Shad said middle school and high school teachers in District 7, the region of the New York City Public Schools in the South Bronx, are beginning to incorporate the games in their classroom instruction. With the assistance of Hostos President David Gómez, Shad and his team will soon meet with top New York City School officials about using the games in fourth grade classrooms throughout the city.   

As an open resource, the games are available for free download under the GAMES tab of G-FMS's website:

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Five Questions About Archiving: What You Should Know


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Next week, ATE Central will be hosting an exciting new webinar on the importance of digital archiving for the ATE Community. On May 24th at 1pm EDT, Rachael Bower and Kendra Bouda will discuss what digital archiving is, why archiving benefits ATE, and how ATE Central can help with your project or center’s archiving efforts. Whether you’re just getting started with ATE, or you’ve been part of the community for a while, this webinar will provide you with helpful information about sustaining your deliverables beyond the life of your ATE funding.

If you’re planning on tuning in, or wondering if you should, these five questions offer a sneak peek at the type of material that will be covered:

What is an archive?

  • An archive is a collection of materials – often comprised of primary source documents – that has been preserved for its enduring value. For ATE, the Archive is a virtual space where deliverables and select administrative documents are collected, stored, and made available in digital format.

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Mentor-Connect Expands the ATE Community


Mentor-Connect Mentor Peggie Weeks (center) listens to the grant proposal ideas of her mentees from Grayson College (Denison, Texas) and Albany Technical College (Albany, Georgia). Pictured from left to right, are Djuna Forrester, Alan McAdams, and Steven Davis from Grayson College, Weeks, and Joseph Ford, Chase Mumford, and Angela Davis from Albany Technical College.  (Photo by David Hata)

Mentor-Connect's utilization of Advanced Technological Education (ATE) principal investigators as mentors and an array of technical resources has achieved some initial, promising results.

The 81 college teams in the first four Mentor-Connect cohorts increased the geographic diversity of colleges submitting proposals to the National Science Foundation's ATE program: the selected colleges are in regions within 27 different states where an ATE grant has either never been funded, or has not been funded in the past 10 years. Since NSF started the ATE program in 1993 its competitive review process has awarded ATE grants in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. However, many of these grants have gone to colleges in metropolitan areas, and often these institutions have received multiple ATE grants.

Evidence that Mentor-Connect is adding geographic diversity to NSF-ATE proposals comes from the fact that 55 of the 61 colleges in the first three Mentor-Connect cohorts submitted proposals to NSF.

Evidence that Mentor-Connect is improving the quality of NSF-ATE proposals is indicated by the following: 22 of the 36 colleges in the first two Mentor-Connect cohorts that submitted proposals in either October 2013 or 2014 have been awarded grants of approximately $200,000 each in the program track Small Grants for Institutions New to ATE. This 61% success rate exceeds the ATE's program-wide funding rate of 22%.

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