ATE Impacts

Understanding Our Users: the ATE Social Media Audience Survey


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Understanding how to engage with social media and make it a useful tool that increases the reach and impact of your ATE project or center work is an ongoing process.  Integrating social media tools into daily routines and practices takes time. So whether it’s using Facebook to connect with partners and colleagues, tweeting to support recruitment, or working with students to create their own LinkedIn pages, you want to know that your efforts will bear fruit. 

Here at ATE Central we use social media primarily for outreach, and we’re always interested in understanding the best practices of these tools, particularly in educational environments.  In 2012 ATE Central, in consultation with EvaluATE and the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), conducted a survey of the ATE community to better understand how social media are being used and identify ways to use these technologies more effectively. The 2012 Social Media Survey (you can check out the full report here) built upon social media research done in 2010 by the ICTStudy.

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Young Women Like Challenges & Rewards of Automotive Instrumentation Program


Mary Batch, assistant manager of Human Resource Development, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas Inc., St. Philips College students Selena Flores and Samantha Vera, and Danine Tomlin, executive director of the Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC), presented information about the Advanced Manufacturing Technology curriculum that AMTEC developed with Toyota at the 2015 ATE Principal Investigators Conference in Washington, D.C.

One of Samantha Vera's favorite stories about her friend and classmate Selena Flores is how she helped an engineer build and operate a piece of equipment in their first semester of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Program (AMT) at St. Philips College.

"He went to a university, and we went to a community college, and she put it all together," Vera said.

At this point in the story, Flores nods her head matter-of-factly explaining that she and Vera learned basic manufacturing skills in the Alamo Area (Dual-Credit) Academies while in high school. In just one course they learned to operate a CNC machine, a milling machine, a drill press, a chop saw, and a band saw.

"It's not, what skills do we have? It's how many skills we have!" Flores said during a showcase session at the 2015 Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference.

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Montana Biotech Students Help Identify Presence of 2 Threatened Species


In the lab at Flathead Valley Community College student Kim Lantrip prepares a fur sample for tests to determine if it has Canada lynx DNA.

For biotechnology student Kim Lantrip the thrill of participating in scientific discovery happened during the second semester of her biotech program at Flathead Valley Community College.

The molecular procedure for identifying wildlife species that she and classmate Brad Dixon devised and tested during spring 2015 semester is helping to determine whether Canada lynx and wolverine, two threatened species, are living in the Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge in Montana. The animals have been seen, but a wildlife biologist needs physical evidence to seek "critical habitat" designation of the 7,885-acre refuge.    

"It's incredibly motivating, because I'm doing something that has obvious implications. I can assist this range in becoming a critical habitat, which would then help the animals," Lantrip explained last week in Washington, D.C. She was among the 60 students from across the U.S. and Guam who shared their learning experiences at the 2015 Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference in Washington, D.C., October 21 to 23. 

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Connecting Community Success to Highlights of the Upcoming ATE PI Conference


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Like most members of the ATE community, ATE Central is excitedly preparing for the 22nd National ATE Principal Investigator’s Conference that will be held at the Omni Shoreham in Washington, D.C., October 21-23. Through presentations, roundtables, panels, showcase sessions, and more, the Conference agenda is dedicated to helping attendees stay informed and knowledgeable about community goings-on over the past year, and providing space for project and center representatives to mingle, collaborate, and learn from one another. This year’s theme is “Preparing the Technical Workforce Through Innovation, Creativity, and Practice” and is sure to get your creative and intellectual juices flowing.

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ATE Community Member Responds to Study on New England's Manufacturing Revolution


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Earlier this year, The New England Council (NEC) and Deloitte Consulting LLP released a report entitled, “Advanced to Advantageous: The Case for New England’s Manufacturing Revolution.” Responding to popular conceptions that manufacturing is declining in the northeast, the report, which expanded on a 2010 NEC-Deloitte study, revealed that the region is actually set to experience a manufacturing revolution. This is due in part to existing regional advantages as well as the replication and widespread adoption of a number of progressive programs and initiatives.

Despite the recession, advanced manufacturing has proven to be a resilient sector of the economy. In fact, as the report revealed, there are many areas in which New England is setting the pace in advanced manufacturing. These include “industry clusters,” such as medical devices and biotechnology, as well as “capability clusters,” like software and artificial intelligence, and “game-changers,” such as additive manufacturing and the Internet of Things (IoT).

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Interactive, Online Course Encourages Careers in Manufacturing


Exploring Advanced Manufacturing is a free modular course at

Exploring Advanced Manufacturing—an interactive, online course—offers an overview of manufacturing to help high school and two-year college students decide which type of manufacturing fits their interests and talents.

The course was created by two Advanced Technological Education centers with support from the National Science Foundation.  CA2VES, The Center for Aviation and Automotive Technology Education using Virtual E-Schools, provided the research based-instructional design of the six-module course. FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence, provided the manufacturing content.

The free course can be accessed at

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Broadening Impact: Resources from the ATE Community to Help Strengthen Outreach and Dissemination


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For the last several years at the HI-TEC conference a group of ATE grantees have shared tips, techniques, and tools that support dissemination and outreach. The ideas and strategies shared are created by and for ATE grantees, are designed to help broaden the impact of project and center work, and are free for anyone to use.  It’s always a great session but of course we only reach HI-TEC attendees; so after this year’s conference I thought it would be helpful to put together some of the information from the session to share with the rest of the community.

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Recruiter Gets People to See that They Can Do Photonics


Dan Hull, OP-TEC's principal investigator, points out that the capacity of optical fibers to carry massive amounts of data in the form of light through hair-thin flexible strands of glass or plastic enables other technical advances. These include faster Internet speeds and enhanced endoscopic medical procedures.

When she makes a photonics recruiting presentation to women and girls, Carolyn Hulla-Meyer explains engineering in way that makes them see immediately that they can do it.

She asks them if they are crafters. Do they like to get on Pinterest? If they do, then, she says, “OK. That's a lot like engineering. You're just not told it’s engineering. It’s called crafting when you do it.ˮ

“It's just about staring those stereotypes in the face. Calling them out and then flipping them around so that the student can see it for what it is,ˮ she explains.

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A Resource You Should Know About: The National Student Clearinghouse


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Founded in 1993, the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is a unique non-profit organization that serves as an invaluable academic and administrative resource. As a central source for student enrollment, performance, and degree information, educators, academic researchers, and policymakers use NSC data to explore the effects of various programs or policies on postsecondary attendance, persistence, and attainment. In fact, most school districts and offices of institutional research have come to rely on the NSC for its ability to provide time- and cost-saving benefits.

Over the past twenty years, the NSC has steadily expanded its scope and member participation. Today, there are more than 3,600 participating institutions representing 98% of all students enrolled in public and private two- and four-year colleges and universities across the United States. NSC makes member information available to the full education community; member institutions then use this data in their own activities (e.g. research efforts, outreach programs, recruitment, and much more), all in full compliance with FERPA. It is an extensive and uncommon resource designed to help facilitate institutional compliance, educational research, and administrative reporting.

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Sustainable Engineering Certificate Meshes "Green" & Tech Skills in Various Fields


High school students use 3-D modeling and other technologies to create solar-powered vehicles capable of crossing obstacle courses during the 2015 Career Pathways summer workshops on alternative energy at Seminole State College.

Faculty at Seminole State College of Florida hope to “green” technical students’ skills and expand non-science majors’ knowledge of environmental science in ways that pique their interest in STEM careers.

The mechanism to accomplish both tasks is a new 18-credit, six-course Sustainable Engineering Certificate. The certificate is the centerpiece of EMERGE-Establishing a Means for Effective Renewable/Green Energy, a project that recently received an Advanced Technological Education grant from the National Science Foundation.

Principal Investigator Jason Gaschel hopes the certificate program, which begins in Fall 2015, will help graduates differentiate themselves when they look for jobs and provide a framework for his college and others to add environmental sustainability content throughout their programs.

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