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Micro and Nanotechnologies


Screenshot for Is Measuring an Art or a Science?
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, introduces students to the difficulty to of measuring at the nanoscale. Accuracy and precision are the most important principles or measuring at such a small scale, and with the growing demand for nanotechnology careers, an...
Screenshot for Lab on a Slab
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concept of material properties. Students will learn about microfluidics and how "with one drop of liquid sample, small devices and channels can be used with nanoparticles for sensitive detection of chemicals." A...
This article, written by researchers from the University of Hull in the United Kingdom, details the efforts these individuals to engage secondary students in nanotechnology fields. As such, researchers conducted a lab-on-a-chip workshop for students that included hands-on activities that "explained...
Screenshot for Learning About Surface Area and Volume
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the general concepts of area, perimeter, and volume to include surface area. Early exposure to the concepts of geometry, and broad concepts related to the elementary ideas of nanotechnology, are introduced to prime...
This webpage is provided by nanoHUB and includes a PowerPoint lecture that is the last in a series of five lectures on nanotechnology created by SHINE: Seattle's Hub for Industry-driven Nanotechnology Education and North Seattle College. This lecture is a brief review of the material covered in...
The Center for Nanotechnology in Society (CNS) has a double purpose: "to increase reflexivity within the nanotechnology enterprise and to increase society’s capacity to engage in anticipatory governance of nanotechnology and other emerging technologies." This webpage provides a library of books and...
Screenshot for Light Emitting Diodes Module
This module, created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link), introduces students to "the phenomenon of band gaps in light emitting diodes using readily accessible experimental materials, LEDs, and inexpensive digital meters." During the learning activity students build a simple Light...
Screenshot for Like Driving a Car: Acquiring Quality SEM/FESEM Images in Different Situations
This video presentation provided by the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge (NACK) Center explores scanning electron microscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM/FESEM) image best practices. In the video, Liu Bangzhi simplifies SEM/FESEM imaging by drawing analogies...
Screenshot for Lines on Paper
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, allows students to "understand how light is bent into different directions as it interacts with small objects, especially those on the nanoscale (1-100nm)." Additionally, students will learn about the process of x-ray...
This slideshow, published by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility, provides an overview of both lithography and electrodeposition. Topics include nanostructures, making smaller computer microprocessors, lithography: basic concepts, postive and negative results, and more. 
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