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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Squirrel Cage Induction Motors: Electrical Properties (Part 2 of 2)
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, covers the electrical characteristics of 3 phage AC squirrel cage induction motors. During the lecture, current, real, and reactive power; phase shift; power factor and efficiency at, and rated conditions is examined.  This video runs...
Screenshot for Squirrel Cage Induction Motors: Mechanical Properties (Part 1 of 2)
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, covers the mechanical properties of squirrel cage induction motors. This lecture will go over "construction and basic theory of operation, examine speed torque curves for NEMA design B and D motors, Calculate percentage slip, and learn to...
Screenshot for Squirrel Cage Induction Motors: Mechanical Properties (Part 2 of 2)
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, covers the mechanical properties of squirrel cage induction motors. The lecture discusses their construction and basic theory of operation, examines speed torque curves for NEMA design B and D motors, calculates percentage slip, and...
This video from CUNY Kingsborough Community College shows the process of staining and imaging an agarose gel. The video describes the process step by step and would be easy to replicate in a laboratory setting. Running time for the video is 3:18.
Screenshot for Starring The Sun
This video, from WPS SolarWise for Schools, provides an overview of various aspects related to the sun. The video covers topics such as the sun's role as the source of Earth's energy, its structure, phenomena like solar flares and prominences, solar wind, and its potential impact on Earth's climate....
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video is the first of two that describes state machines: the Moore and Mealy. The recording runs 38:09 minutes in length and...
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video is the second of two that describes state machines. The recording runs 28:39 minutes in length and part one is...
Screenshot for State of STEM Education
This webinar, from the Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC), features Professor Kendrick Davis discussing key data points on STEM education and barriers to STEM success. Davis specifically focuses on underrepresented subgroups of people in STEM, including Black, Latinx, Native American,...
Screenshot for Statics - Trig: Pythagorean Theorem Calculations Using a TI-86
In this animated and interactive object, the learner uses a TI-86 calculator to solve for the magnitude of the resultant and of one of the component forces in a right triangle.
Screenshot for Statics Trig: Law of Sines
In this animated and interactive object, the learner uses a TI-86 calculator to solve for the magnitude of the resultant and of one of the component forces in a right triangle.  
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