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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for UDL Case Study: Strategies for Active Learning in Bilingual Classrooms
This case study explores case-based learning strategies for active learning in bilingual classrooms with Deaf and hearing students. A five-part video series is provided. In part one, Dr. Sandi Connelly describes how she checks for understanding when teaching cases in large classes. In part two, ...
This video, provided by Columbia Gorge Community College, is the first part of a two part lecture that examines unbalanced Y configurations. The main objective of the lesson is to "examine electrical properties of unbalanced 4 and 3 wire Y configured loads in 3 phase AC systems." This video runs...
This video, provided by Columbia Gorge Community College, is the second part of a two part lecture that examines unbalanced Y configurations. The main objective of the lesson is to "examine electrical properties of unbalanced 4 and 3 wire Y configured loads in 3 phase AC systems." This video runs...
Screenshot for Understanding Autonomous
This video from ISO-TOPE at the Minnesota State Transportation Center of Excellence describes the various technologies that are available through the ISA-TOPE project. Equipment and vehicles, as well as their technical features are highlighted. The video recording runs 2:19 minutes in length.
Screenshot for Understanding Battery Technology Introduction
This video, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), is the introduction to a three chapter series on the basics of battery technology. The series provides an understanding of how rechargeable lithium ion batteries work and offers a...
Screenshot for Understanding Battery Technology, Ch 1: The Pickle Battery
This video, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), is the first of three chapters in a series on the basics of battery technology. During the video, a simple battery made from a pickle connected to zinc and and copper electrodes is used...
Screenshot for Understanding Battery Technology, Ch 2: The Primary Battery
This video, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), is the second of three chapters in a series on the basics of battery technology. This chapter analyzes the alkaline battery to teach how a primary, non-rechargeable battery works....
Screenshot for Understanding Battery Technology, Ch 3: The Second Battery
This video, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), is the last of three chapters in a series on the basics of battery technology. This chapter focuses on how lithium-ion batteries work. Topics covered include reversible...
Screenshot for Understanding the Impact of Edge Computing in the United States
This presentation, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) as part of a special webinar presentation to the Convergence College Network (CCN) community of practice, gives an overview of technical trends and practices related to teaching and understanding edge computing. During...
Screenshot for Understanding the KSA Worksheet
The National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) created this webinar to accompany the release of the updated 2020 list of KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) that entry-level IT infrastructure workers need to know. The CTC's Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) convenes each May to...
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