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Instructional Material -- Lesson/Lesson Plan


This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers nanotechnology in literature and culture. The purpose of the lesson is for students to "read and analyze science outside of their textbooks." At the end of the lesson, students discuss nanotechnology's implications...
Screenshot for Right Angle (Lesson 5 of 9)
Lesson Description: This lesson is the fifth of nine lessons from the Vocational Math: Contextualized for Construction course that was taught at Madison Area Technical College. This lesson is a contextualized application for Pythagorean theorem, starting with students working in groups to create...
Screenshot for Right Angle Trigonometry
This Right Angle Trigonometry lesson, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, is part of a series of seven applied electronics math lessons. This lesson starts with an introduction to angles and triangles, similar triangles, scaling, the Pythagorean theorem,...
This lesson, from the Northern Wyoming Community College District, focuses on radiation and the differentiation of safe and dangerous radiation. The acquisition and transfer of energy is discussed to help students better understand and compare the many sources of radiation. Students begin by taking...
This project, created by Roy Pratima, has students look at the practice of utilizing geological principles and apply geological concepts to the discovery of rocks to understand the different forms of energy found within different rocks and soils. Individually, students will use the Internet to...
Screenshot for Roller Coaster Design Challenge
In this exercise, created by Anna Jensen, students take part in a roller coaster design challenge. As part of the challenge, students will attempt to optimize ride time and thrills for the prospective rider while also trying to keep costs reasonable. The exercise, designed with the intention of...
This activity from Lane Community College's MAPS GIS program, provides students with the opportunity to use a GIS map in conjunction with a statistics lesson and "use the data to find basic statistics about samples with the help of spreadsheet software." In this lesson, students will learn the...
Screenshot for Scanning Probe Microscopy
Published by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, this hour-long activity has students "simulate the function of a scanning probe microscope" by creating their own scanning probe microscope (SPM) boxes. The Teacher's Guide contains everything the instructor needs to carry out the...
Screenshot for Science Hobbyist Website
This website, maintained by creator Bill Beaty, contains general science topics for study. Instructions for different science experiments are listed. Everything from super neodymium magnets, ten dollar infrared googles, and drawing holograms by hand can be found here. 
Screenshot for Series Parallel Circuits
This series parallel circuits lesson, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, is part of a series of seven applied electronics math lessons. This lesson applies linear equations to predict the behavior of electronic components when voltage is applied. Base...
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