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Instructional Material -- Lesson/Lesson Plan


Screenshot for Shodor Educational Foundation: A National Resource for Computational Science Education
There are many curriculum materials, professional development, and student enrichment activities available on this website. These resources are designed for teachers and students ranging from K-12 through higher education. Most resources are interactive and engage the students on many different...
Screenshot for Sidewalk Slope (Lesson 8 of 9)
Lesson Description: This resource is the eighth lesson in a series of nine from the Vocational Math: Contextualized for Construction course that was taught at Madison Area Technical College. This lesson introduces students to the concepts of % slope, pitch per foot, and total fall in the context of...
This activity, created by Lily Bentley, was formed based on a hypothetical situation that has students research renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. In the activity's hypothetical situation: the year is 2012, and fighting in the Middle East has stopped exports of much of the world's supply of...
This lesson, from the Northern Wyoming Community College District, focuses on the principles of surface mining and reclamation in coal mining using chocolate chip cookies (where the cookie represents the earth and the chocolate chips coal the students will be surface mining). Using tools provided,...
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, is designed to introduce middle and older elementary students to nanoscale objects by comparing them in size to the visible world. Students will receive an introduction to exponents, decimals, and the metric system through...
Screenshot for Skatepark Challenge: Riding the Concrete Wave (Part II)
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a mathematics and decision making activity designed for eighth graders. In this activity, students use simulations, data visualization, and computational skills to craft product reviews for helmets. Additionally, they will and...
Screenshot for Smoke in a Bottle Lesson
This lesson plan from the STEM Action Center - Utah covers incomplete vs. complete combustion and is intended for sixth through 9th graders. During the lesson, students will "develop models to show that molecules are made of different kinds, proportions, and quantities of atoms." Students will also "...
Screenshot for SOHO Lesson Plans
This web page, assembled by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for their resource pertaining to the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft, includes ten science-related lesson plans for teachers. Topics covered include sunspots, solar rotation, magnetic fields, orbits,...
Screenshot for Solar Kit Lessons
This website has 15 lesson plans in solar energy developed by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. The lesson plans include the following topics: solar cell inquiry, sunshine timer, parts of a solar panel I, parts of a solar panel II, build a simple ammeter, solar-powered...
Screenshot for Spacing (Lesson 9 of 9)
Lesson Description: This resource is the last lesson in a series of nine from the Vocational Math: Contextualized for Construction course that was taught at Madison Area Technical College. In this lesson, students are introduced to the idea of creating even spacing and apply this concept to a...
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