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High School -- Grade 11


This collection from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FLATE) Center offers 23 "video modules focused on basic commands and mini projects for beginning AutoCAD students." These videos range from three to ten minutes in length and cover a wide variety of introductory topics in...
Screenshot for Video: Ohm's Law Part 1- Units and Quantities
This video provides an overview of Ohm's Law and "introduces the basic electrical qualities of charge, current, voltage, and resistance. The concept of quantities and units is explained. The units Coulombs, Volts, and Ohms are described. The three basic formulas of Ohm's Law (E=IR, I=E/R and R=E/I)...
Screenshot for Video: What Skills do I need to get Hired?
This video, provided by The Destination: Problem-Based Learning Project at Truckee Community College, describes the various skills needed by students who are interested in computer engineering careers. Through a series of questions, including: What do you look for in a new hire? What does it take to...
Screenshot for Viewing Microstructures of Materials Using the Optical Microscope
This lesson plan introduces students to microscopy using a light microscope. The unit will provide a background of light optical microscopy and the ways of manipulating the tool in order to optimize viewing of a sample. Students will gain a basic understanding of how the microscope works and learn...
Screenshot for Virginia Geospatial Extension Program
The Virginia Geospatial Extension Program "provides a comprehensive list of links to outside data sources to support Virginia local government, state agencies, education, and non-profit applications." Links to local Virginia government GIS contacts, higher education resources, federal agencies and...
This site, from Stanford University and the National Science Foundation, provides access to interactive tutorials for students and teachers using sea urchins to demonstrate stages of fertilization and development. The animated tutorials, which require Flash, cover topics like 'fertilization &...
This classroom module will help students understand the process of viscosity testing and the behaviors of fluids though experiments with household materials. The guide includes directions for two modules to be completed over two weeks of class time, including notes on the experiments and analysis of...
In this professional development video from Getting Results, a chemical operations instructor and one of his students discuss how classroom technology can ready students for work in industry. A student tells how a particular technology model in his classroom helps him understand the technology in...
This collection, made available by Cark State Community College, includes instructional material to help students visualize one acre. Included in the collection are presentation slides, two short assessment activities, and an additional document with information about the acre at 1/64 scale.  The ...
This 14-page report, written by Dorothy Bennett, discusses the experiences of five female pre-engineering students at a specialized science high school. Observations and interviews revealed that "there are a number of cultural and psychological pressures that they contend with on a regular basis in...
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