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High School -- Grade 11


These webinar slides, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), provide a broad overview of learning objects. A learning object is defined as "a brief presentation on a computer that addresses at least one concept, and possibly up to five of them." The presentation...
Screenshot for Webinar Slides: Transferring Knowledge to the New Style of Learning: Extending the Classroom Beyond the Four Walls
These presentation slides, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), describes how technology can be used in classrooms to provide educators with tools for extending the classroom beyond the school building. The presentation discusses how technological tools such as...
This webinar, provided by the Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), was presented on September 20 2013. Louis Frenzel, noted author and editor of Electronic Design News, gives an overview of the ultra-current trends and technologies that are driving the industry today. Applications...
This webinar, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), addresses the importance of arts in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Incorporating art into STEM fields can help cultivate innovation during and after education. This presentation ...
Screenshot for Webinar: Nanotechnology Applications in Food
This slide deck is from the Nanotechnology Applications in Food webinar and is provided by the Nanotechnology Applications & Career Knowledge Center (NACK). This webinar discussed how nanotechnology is impacting the food industry. Research was also discussed to help viewers think about the future...
Screenshot for Webinar: Steps to Building Great Learning Objects
This webinar and corresponding presentation slides, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), were presented on April 18, 2008 by David Bunnow, Trainer and Consultant with the Wisconsin Online Resource Center (Wisc-Online). The webinar instructs viewers about the steps to...
This webinar and corresponding presentation slides are for the Top Educators' Secrets for Creating Star Students webinar presented by the Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC). Presenters included Dave Wilson, Director of Academic Programs at National Instruments and Mark Walters,...
Screenshot for Websites for Girls and Young Women with Interest in IT
This website is intended to help parents and teachers get girls interested in engineering and technology. This website has a list of recommended activities, readings, websites, and much more. The content is appropriate for various ages and includes many interdisciplinary topics, such as biographies...
This interactive e-book from the Dolan DNA Learning Center shows the continuity of research on corn throughout the ages, from Native American agriculturalists to molecular biologists. Using animations, photographs, illustrations, time lapse video, and interviews the story of corn is told in five...
In this lesson from the MAPS GIS program at Lane Community College students will locate some weed and native species found in Oregon and will understand that while databases are beneficial in studying plant populations, local on-the-ground information is commonly more up-to-date and that both are...
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