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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Weights and Measures Part I
This video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), is the first in a series of three videos created to educate viewers about weights and measures in the context of nanofabrication. This segment, which is 10:28 minutes long, covers the the history of units and systems of...
Screenshot for Weights and Measures Part II
This video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), is the second in a series of three videos created to educate viewers about weights and measures in the context of nanofabrication. This segment, which is 17:08 minutes long, covers the seven core units of measurement in the SI...
Screenshot for Weights and Measures Part III
This video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), is the third in a series created to educate viewers about weights and measures in the context of nanofabrication. This segment, which is 21:10 minutes long, covers prefixes used in units of measurement- from the history of...
Teachers' Domain presents this video as part of a series on advanced technological education. Around 500,000 people are currently employed in welding in the United States, and as more highways, bridges and other structures need crucial updates, welders will continue to be in demand. The video clip...
This video, created by Weld-Ed: The National Center for Welding Education and Training, is 7 minutes long and introduces potential students of all ages to welding as a career path. The video covers the difference between welders and welding technicians, the wide range of materials joined, and the...
This video, created by Weld-Ed: The National Center for Welding Education and Training, is 4 minutes long and discusses the BS program in welding at Ohio State. Several students are interviewed and discuss their classes, the labs, and the mentorship program. Emphasis is placed on the large number of...
Screenshot for Welding Introduction
The Materials Education Resource Center has provided this module to help students learn the basics of metal welding, including techniques. Students will learn the vocabulary used in welding and see examples of welding processes. This PDF document includes a step by step procedure for the learning...
Teachers' Domain presents this video as part of a series on advanced technological education. This video features a manufacturing specialist working in an automotive plant. The clip demonstrates what a typical workday is like for someone working in this setting. Skilled supervisors are needed to...
This page from West Texas A&M University provides help for students in college algebra, intermediate algebra, beginning algebra, math for the sciences, and GRE mathematics preparation. Each area contains a number of individual tutorials that increase in difficulty. The GRE prep section includes two...
Screenshot for Wet Etching in Nanofabrication
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, will "help students understand how chemical reactions are used to create the specific shapes on surfaces of crystalline materials, which make up functional components within electronics." The wet etching process is used to...
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