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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Wind Power Virtual Field Trip
This 31-page activity, provided by The Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), is a guide for a virtual field trip covering wind power. The document may be used in conjunction with a presentation on wind energy. Slides and links to relevant videos are included in the document....
This lesson, from the Northern Wyoming Community College District, focuses on the production of wind energy and connects "Newtonian Mechanics, electromagnetism, and environmental concerns in an engineering design process." Students design a wind turbine for the conversion of kinetic energy into...
Screenshot for Women in CS @ HMC: Three Promising Practices
Five years after introducing three key recruitment and retention strategies, women now make up around 42% of Harvey Mudd College’s computer science program. In this Google Tech Talk video, Christine Alvarado shares the three practices Harvey Mudd College implemented to increase the number of women...
Screenshot for Women in Engineering: A Review of the 2008 Literature
This literature review covers 300 articles on women in engineering and women's access and preparation for engineering careers. The review is also applicable to working women in general. Topics include work/life balance, pathways to an engineering career, work force issues that impact women...
Screenshot for Women in Engineering; Hands-On Classes Jumpstart a Career; Lasers and Photonics
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV examines women in technical fields including engineering and lasers / photonics and how hands-on classwork can lead to more success after graduation. The video can be viewed whole...
This educator resource, provided by the National Center for Next Generation Manufacturing (NCNGM), contains information for women considering careers in manufacturing. "By exploring and preparing for careers in manufacturing, women can make a significant positive impact on America’s economy. Today’s...
Screenshot for Women in Manufacturing FLATE 2016
This video from FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence, examines the subject of women working in the manufacturing industry.  The video details the beginning of women entering the field of manufacturing at the onset of World War I in 1917 and addresses the...
This women in technology video was created by the Regional Center for Nuclear Education and Training (RCNET). Young women from elementary school age to college age are shown engaging in various aspects of technological science. This video runs 00:02:05 minutes in length.
This website, from the Maui Economic Development Board, provides resources to connect educators and industry partners to build Hawaii's STEM workforce and encourage girls to engage and feel welcome in the science, engineering, technology, and math fields. The website contains extensive information...
Screenshot for Women Increase from 18 to 30% of City College of San Francisco's Computer Networking and Information Technology Program
This brief case study highlights the City College of San Francisco's Computer Networking and Information Technology program. The college's strategies to recruit more female students are outlined. The college took part in several key recruitment methods, including: Identifying female role models in...
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