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MET Advisory Board

The board was created and had its first meeting in January 2018 and has been meeting regularly. They have been working to:

  • review curriculum and program changes,

  • foster industry participation in creating our applications library,

  •  market the MET and other STEM programs,

  • create student scholarships, and

  • provide input for establishing a certificate program. 

Advanced Manufacturing Forum

June 2017

This 2-day industry forum included industry representatives and college faculty participating in roundtable discussions and focus groups and completing surveys to provide input regarding the skills and competencies that graduates must possess in order to secure gainful employment and add value to a company's operations.

Engineers Week:


PI and co-PI presentation to industry partners:



TOPIC: Blow Minds Teach Science or Math

Karen Magee Sauer, presenter

Professor Physics & Astronomy, Rowan University

Past Dean, College of Science & Mathematics, College of Health Professions

Engineers Week 2019 topic_teaching HS STEM.pptx




Technology Conference

July 2017

Following the Advanced Manufacturing Forum, this 5-day event was held for faculty to envision the incorporation of identified skills and competencies into the curriculum. Over 60 college and secondary school education partners met to review and develop curriculum, to provide input on applications, to conduct presentations on applications and equipment needs, and to participate in outcome assessments.

After this conference, faculty worked to update curricula and align texts, including detailing pre-requisite pathways, and to add firm continuity between secondary, two-year and four-year educational partners.
