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BILT is an acronym for Business-Industry Leadership Team. North Arkansas College currently has 14 members. Meetings are quarterly with an annual meeting each fall to discuss KSAs and what job skills will get the students employment.

The BILT at the college will play an active role in setting the direction of the IT program as they have an increased need for more highly trained skilled technicians in IT/Cyber.

For more information about North Arkansas College and the BILT, click the link HLCpresentation2018_D2.pdf

For more information about the National Convergence Technology Center

Click the link:Business and Industry Leadership Team Convergence Technology Center Collin County Community College Frisco, TX.htm

Northark became part of the National Convergence Technology Center in 2016. Currently, there are around 70 member colleges. Members accumulate points during the year based on activities such as presentations at nation or regional conferences, prof department, participation in calls, meetings, and webinars related to the CTC, BILT meetings, and use of the BILT to drive program curriculum. Currently, Northark is ranked #1 in the top 11 colleges for 2018!