Bioenergy: A Model Workforce Education Program
The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute is partnering with secondary and post-secondary schools, resource centers, industry, government, and workforce development organizations to develop a model bio-energy workforce education program based on the bioconversion of organic material into methane. The project is (1) creating bio-energy certificate and associate degree education programs to serve at least 40 traditional and non-traditional students recruited through a marketing and recruitment plan, (2) developing alternative educational and career pathways for students from high school to technical college to university, (3) offering professional development about bio-energy to 120 high school and college teachers, and (4) disseminating project findings and resources throughout Ohio and the nation. The project will address Ohio's growing need for bio-energy technicians. On the site, visitors will find details about the program and contact information, teacher resources, a host of educational videos, a photo gallery, and news and events for the project.