This project uses existing traditional computer lab facilities to support a platform for remote access to virtual machines (VMs) to assist in teaching Information Technology courses. The goals for the project are to 1) provide Durham Technical Community College Information Technology students remote access to a single or small set of VMs; 2) utilize existing lab computers and infrastructure to reduce the cost of implementation of a remote lab; 3) provide VM hosting accessible through a hosting pool; 4) provide a project and system management learning opportunity for Information Technology students; and 5) disseminate information about the project to the 58 community colleges in the North Carolina Community College Systems through presentations at professional state and regional conferences and assist other interested schools in implementing the platform. Through this project, students have access to all functions of the computer and operating system, enabling hands-on experience to complete networking or IT course assignments. Students indirectly gain facility with virtual machines and remote access, two areas in which employers have shown increased interest. The implementation and management of the virtual machine infrastructure give students experience with project management and OS administration. Additionally, the project conserves resources and minimizes capital expense, thus reducing costs.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
June 15th, 2011
ATE Expiration Date
November 30th, 2015
ATE Principal Investigator
Harry Bulbrook
Primary Institution
Durham Technical Community College
Record Type
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