A Model for Improved Technological Education in Northern New Mexico

The University of New Mexico-Los Alamos (UNMLA), in partnership with Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Santa Fe Community College, is redesigning the Applied Technologies (AT) associate's program to include degree concentrations in electromechanical, solar, and nano-technology as an effort to prepare more highly skilled technicians to support the region's emerging need for high-tech employees in these areas. This critical need is given special urgency based on the State of New Mexico's vision and plan for the development of a new "green" economy. The project involves an equipment overhaul, in addition to rigorous curriculum and instructional improvements in the three content areas noted above. Targeting high school students and teachers, the project articulates a career pathway for underrepresented students that leads to participation in advanced technical education, as well as opportunities at four year institutions . Problem-based learning incorporating engineering design principles and an interdisciplinary thematic approach guide the strategy for teaching and learning. The project also supplements instruction with authentic internship experiences at supporting companies and national laboratories. A total of 65 students will have moved through the program at its completion. The project takes advantage of UNMLA's pilot faculty share program supported by LANL and Santa Fe Community College as a means to build institutional capacity and sustain the efforts of the work. Thus, this important initiative serves as a model for revising and enhancing a pre-existing degree program, specifically targeting underrepresented student populations. The support and commitments at the state and local level ensure the efforts to build capacity to meet the demands of the participating institutions and the growing needs of the new economy.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
August 1st, 2011
ATE Expiration Date
July 31st, 2014
ATE Principal Investigator
Irina Alvestad
Primary Institution
University of New Mexico
Record Type
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