Collaborative Curriculum Taskforce: Study of the Cybersecurity Workforce Framework Mapping to Academic Courses

This report, from the National CyberWatch Center, outlines the results of a mapping effort performed by the CyberWatch Curriculum Task Force of cybersecurity curricula to the National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework 1.0 Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs). The goal of the study was to build a taxonomy of courses and to identify how the courses aligned with the KSAs specified within the framework, identifying gaps in academic courses and how those gaps could be addressed. This comprehensive 253 page PDF report includes sections on Purpose, Methodology, including Data Collection, Data Mapping, and Analysis, Constraints, Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations for Further Research. The Bulk of the PDF comes in the Appendices, which include Participating Schools, Courses Mapped, the Mapping Survey Instrument, Coding Instructions, and the Pivot Table.
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