
This collection, developed by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education for the ATE Principal Investigator's Conference held in October 2015, covers mid-life project evaluation. The collection includes presentation slides, a worksheet, and a checklist. 

The presentation slides include the following objectives: understand the fundamentals of intellectual merit and broader impacts; identify gaps in evaluation data that need to be addressed in order to make a strong case for new funding; fill gaps with low-cost, high-impact evidence; and create a persuasive Results from Prior NSF Support section for proposals. The worksheet is intended to assist project leaders and evaluators in identifying the range of a project's achievements. The National Science Foundation (NSF) uses intellectual merit and broader impacts criteria to assess the potential of proposed work and results of previously funded work. ​The last document is titled Results From Prior NSF Support Checklist. This document is intended for primary investigators (PI) and co-primary investigators (co-PI) that have received funding from NSF for previous projects. This checklist is intended to help fulfill NSF proposal requirements.

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