Nebraska Nanoscale Facility Virtual Tour: Characterization (Metrology)


This video, provided by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility (NNF), offers a tour of a characterization room. Characterization, or "surface metrology" is "the measurement of small-scale features on surfaces." Instruments featured in the facility tour include tools to measure topology, thickness, and resistance of surfaces, including the Four Probe Transport Measurement system. The video is 38 seconds in length and is accompanied by a description of the study of characterization. Additionally, further resources related to the study of metrology are provided on this webpage. This includes a lesson plan that allows students grades 5-12 to "design a model of an atomic force microscope (AFM) that can be used to detect very small differences in depths or thicknesses." There are two activities, a teacher guide, video, power point, and AFM model that made up this lesson plan. Further activities and videos related to AFM are also provided on this webpage.

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