
This Bio-Link webpage includes information about the 2017 CSO Summit sponsored by AC2 Bio-Link Regional Center and the Bio-Link National Center. The meeting brought together faculty who are involved with incubators, contract service organizations (CSOs), or both. "CSOs are a type of organization, like a small business, where students provide services to academic labs or companies involving research, testing, quality control, or small-scale manufacturing."

The webpage provides a link to the full 40-page Summit report. The report includes the following sections: About This Report, Executive Summary, Recommendations, Panels: Promoting Economic Development Coupled With Education, Panel: A View From the Top - Challenges with Establishing CSOs and Incubators, Contract Service Organizations: College-Based Models, Contract Organizations: Incubator Models, Industry Work Experience Models, About Bio-Link National Center, About AC2 Bio-Link Regional Center, CSO and Incubator Resources, CSO Summit Agenda, and Conference Participants.

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