
This 14-page paper is an account of the development and teaching of the Design with Aluminum course module created by Professor Raghu Echempati of Kettering University. Dr. Echempati presented this paper at the 2018 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference. The Design with Aluminum course module is one of three new course modules developed by the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT) in order to create a course at Macomb Community College titled Advanced Materials, PRDE 2918. Advanced Materials was taught for the first time at Macomb Community College in the Fall of 2016 to ten students in the Michigan Advanced Technician Training program (MAT2). In this paper, Dr. Echempati outlines this new course by providing an overview of the the course topics; methodology and course organization; course learning objectives (CLOs); course delivery and assessment; and the scope of the course's two final projects. 

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