The Lane Community College MAPS GIS program (Mapping, Analyzing, and Problem Solving Using Geographic Information Science (MAPS GIS): Implementing a GIS Curriculum for Technical Literacy), is part of the Advanced Technological Education program of the National Science Foundation. This project creates "activities will engage students in real-world scenarios that demonstrate social and scientific relevance. Collaboration and teamwork will foster the interpersonal and organizational skills that are prized in today's workplace. Basic literacy in this rapidly advancing technology will open doors and prepare students with important job skills and future career choices. The project introduces large numbers of community college students to the potential GIS offers in solving significant social and scientific problems." On the site, visitors can find out more about the project and its team, and GIS courses at Lane Community College. The Modules section contains a number of online exercises on topics such as Crime and Substance Abuse, Forest Biology, and Plate Tectonics. There is also a document, Problem Solving Across the Curriculum Using GIS Technology, linked here which explains the framework used in developing these modules.