GeoTech Center

GeoTech Center is a National Center of Excellence from NSF's Advanced Technological Education initiative. Its goals are to: "Create a national clearinghouse of exemplary geospatial curriculum materials, resources and national services; Increase the capacity to educate geospatial technicians through new partnerships and collaborations; Increase the quantity, quality and diversity of geospatial technicians to meet U.S. workforce needs; Provide a unifying voice for geospatial technology education interests in organizations, industry and government; and Increase the number of community and technical college geospatial faculty and secondary school teachers participating in geospatial professional development."
Alternate Title
Geospatial Technology Center of Excellence: Growing the Workforce
Education Level

ATE Award Metadata
Award Number
0603424, 0801893, 1304591, 1644409, 1700496, 2202038
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
June 1st, 2006
ATE Expiration Date
June 30th
ATE Principal Investigator
Vincent DiNoto
Primary Institution
Jefferson Community and Technical College
Record Type
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