

Celebrating 20 years of NSF's Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program, the new ATE@20 blog highlights the valuable work being done by ATE projects and centers. Read the blog to learn about the history of ATE and get more information about exciting new project and center deliverables, partnerships, and best practices. We'd also love to hear from you and include your achievements, memories, and pictures in the project. Send them to us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

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US Enrollment and Employment Outlook Report

by and AgrowKnowledge US Enrollment and Employment Outlook Report is now available here. Through a partnership with AgrowKnowledge, is releasing the US Enrollment and Employment Outlook Report which includes: enrollment data of associate and baccalaureate degrees in agriculture from the past 4 years, a look at what employment opportunities are available for those graduates, a salary outlook for internship and entry level positions in the agricultural career clusters, and results of a student perception of agricultural careers survey.

Industry and Employment Outlook for the State of California


The Mid-Pacific Information and Communication Technologies Center (MPICT) and the California Community College Centers of Excellence recently released a "Phase 2 ICT Environmental Scan: Industry and Employment Outlook for the State of California" and it is available to download, free of charge, through the "Currently Featuring" section of the MPICT homepage. The study maps existing industry data and employment data to an ICT framework, and demonstrates how important the ICT industry is to the California economy. Over 600 California companies were interviewed for the study and their responses demonstrate the strong and growing strategic importance of ICT in all kinds of organizations, and they show strong ICT employment growth prospects over the next two years. Click here for MPICT's homepage and more information.

ATE Cybersecurity Program highlighted on NSF Discoveries


Clark State Community College's ATE grant to develop an associate degree program in cybersecurity/information assurance was recently highlighted on NSF Discoveries. In addition, a Success Stories video produced this past year by ATE Central and WGBH Boston was featured with the story. To find out more visit NSF Discoveries by clicking here.
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