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Science -- Biological and life sciences


Screenshot for A Mathematical Approach For Understanding Intra-plant Communication
This article was written by Ingrid Fadelli and discusses the development of a mathematical approach for understanding intra-plant communication. Researchers at the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) and Istituto Italiano di Technologia have proposed "... a fully coupled system of non-linear,...
Screenshot for A Visit to Southern Africa
The NCSR Pictorial Series of presentations are designed to provide faculty, teachers and other natural resource professionals with an informal PowerPoint presentation on selected environmental settings. The presentations consist of pictures of the natural environment and feature plants, animals and...
Screenshot for A World of Opportunity
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, biotechnology, career opportunities for technicians and manufacturing internships are discussed. Advanced technological education opportunities at community colleges provide a...
Screenshot for Bio Blend Promotional Material, 2020-2022
Promotional materials include two flyers for the Integrating Biotechnology and Applied Engineering to Meet Emerging Advanced Technological Workforce Needs (Bio Blend) project. The goal of this project is to produce 15 ready for hire graduates by developing four courses and adding to the industry...
Bio-Rad Laboratories' life science education program, Biotechnology Explorer, offers "technological innovations through practical hands-on activities in a format that works in the classroom," including classroom kits, teaching resources, professional development opportunities, and more. On this...
Screenshot for Biotech Promotional Video
This 2019 promotional video provides information about the biotechnology program at Los Angeles Mission College. The video provides an outline of the biotechnology field and notes that California "has the largest life sciences and biotech employment base in the U.S. with more than 235,000 nobs...
Screenshot for Biotech Student and Employee Surveys
These resources, provided by the CBOE-Biotech project and the Utah Education Policy Center, include one employee and two student biotechnology surveys. The student surveys were issued prior to and upon completion of biotech coursework in a competency based format at Salt Lake Community College....
Screenshot for Biotechnology Program Outreach Materials
This collection includes outreach materials for the competency-based Biotechnology program at Salt Lake Community College. Materials include two flyers, an article, and a PowerPoint presentation. These resources include information about the development of the program, the importance of...
Screenshot for Building a CSO or Incubator: Strategies for Success
This 20-page report, published by Austin Community College, discusses strategies for building successful biotech CSOs and incubators. This report provides the history of some of the college-run organizations, describes how the Bioscience Community College and the Austin Community College...
Screenshot for Business Is Booming for Biotech and Telecom
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, biotechnology and telecommunications are discussed. Community colleges work with companies in fields such as biotechnology to design curriculum to better educate their...
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