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Mathematics -- Applied mathematics


Screenshot for Angular Momentum in Human Walking
This paper, written by Hugh Herr and Marko B. Popovic, provides a comprehensive study of human walking that focuses on whole-body rotational behavior. The researcher used a 16-segment human model and data on gait from human participants to examine segmental contributions to whole-body angular...
In this activity, developed by the Lane Community College MAPS GIS Program, students "use logical connectors in searching a database to understand how quickly the search narrows by adding connectors. They will translate a search in to logic notation and sketch a digital circuit. Finally, they will...
Screenshot for Fourier: Making Waves - Quantum Mechanics, Harmonic Motion, Wavelength
Learn how to make waves of all different shapes by adding up sines or cosines. Make waves in space and time and measure their wavelengths and periods. See how changing the amplitudes of different harmonics changes the waves. Compare different mathematical expressions for your waves. This simulation...
Screenshot for Helmet Challenge: Riding the Concrete Wave (Part I)
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a mathematics data visualization activity designed for eighth graders. In this activity, students use a computer simulation to collect data on helmet safety in order to act as crash-test scientists make a recommendations on...
Screenshot for Mathematical Operations
This mathematical operations lesson, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, is part of a series of seven applied electronics math lessons. This lesson applies simple mathematics for complicated situations and simple circuit terminology is introduced. It is...
This activity from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FL-ATE) Center asks students to use the concepts of measurement and precision in the context of designing and manufacturing surgical instruments. The interdisciplinary lesson plan involves science, computer technology, math and...
The North Carolina Community College System BioNetwork's interactive eLearning tools (IETs) are reusable chunks of training that can be deployed in a variety of courses or training programs. IETs are designed to enhance, not replace hands-on training. Learners are able to enter a hands-on lab...
Screenshot for Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability
This is a course description for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 6.041/6.431, Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability. This course introduces students to the modeling, quantification, and analysis of uncertainty. Topics covered include: formulation and solution in...
Screenshot for Skatepark Challenge: Riding the Concrete Wave (Part II)
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a mathematics and decision making activity designed for eighth graders. In this activity, students use simulations, data visualization, and computational skills to craft product reviews for helmets. Additionally, they will and...
Screenshot for The Vortex Flowmeter
This Web site features a series of animations showing the operation of a vortex flowmeter that is used to measure flow in a process control system. Besides defining a vortex flowmeter, a Flash animation shows how it causes vortices around a blunt object obstructing the flow. A sine wave flow is...