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Science -- Astronomy


Screenshot for Powers of Ten
"Powers of Ten", the film made by Charles and Ray Eames in 1977, takes the viewer from the core of an atom to the edge of the universe, moving 10 times further every 10 seconds. The film is about scale and how we view the universe and our place in it. Powers of Ten is an extremely valuable tool for...
Screenshot for The HubbleSite
The HubbleSite includes news, lessons, activities, and multimedia on the hubble telescope and the work performed by it and its team of scientists. The site includes a large archive of images taken by the telescope, general astronomy materials for the classroom, and the latest news on the project.
The WorldWide Telescope (WWT) is a visualization software environment that "enables your computer to function as a virtual telescope." The site offers narrated tours from astronomers and educators. An installation of the telescope must be performed before the website is functional. Additionally, the...