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Vocational Education -- Agriculture


This 6-page syllabus provides an overview of a precision agriculture class taught at Clark State Community College. This course is an "introduction to precision agriculture, including history, application, terminology, platforms, data, software, and associated components." The course also explores...
This 6-page syllabus provides an overview of the Applied Precision Ag Technology course taught at Clark State Community College. During this course students learn how to "analyze and troubleshoot various hardware precision agriculture components; communicate effectively with customers and suppliers;...
This 6-page syllabus provides an overview of the Applied GIS for Agriculture course taught at Clark State Community College. During this course students "collect and analyze agricultural data with geospatial technologies, utilize precision agriculture software, create reports and develop...
In this 4:23 video adapted from Pathways to Technology, learn why, to be a successful farmer today, you need the latest computer technology. Community college student Adam Sheppard’s family has been farming the same land for seven generations. The geographic information systems (GIS) and global...
In this 4:15 video adapted from Pathways to Technology, learn how one person turned a job-ending injury into an opportunity to build a new career. When Richard Guider lost his arm in an industrial accident, he needed to find new career opportunities. He began by attending community college, where he...
Screenshot for Agriculture Programs Recruitment Package
Collection Description These recruitment materials were developed by Wayne Randall and Pat Marcellino from North Georgia Technical College. These materials constitute the recruitment packet that was created by the Modernizing Agriculture Technician Education in Appalachian Northeast Georgia...
Screenshot for Alternative Farming Systems Information Center: Sustainable Agriculture Tool
This site, provided by the Agriculture Network Information Center (U.S.), provides information on sustainable agriculture. This site discusses what sustainable agriculture is and provides further resources. 
Screenshot for Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP)
This not-for-profit, North Carolina community-based effort promotes farmland protection and sustainable production systems through research, development, policy support and promotion.  Additionally, this website provided by Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP), connects local growers...
Screenshot for ATTRA - The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
This website, provided by ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture Program, promotes sustainable agriculture. Publications on production practices, alternative crop and livestock enterprises, innovative marketing, and organic certification, and highlights of local, regional, USDA and other federal sustainable...
Screenshot for Demystifying Oak In Winemaking
This webinar from Bucher Vaslin North America discusses oak in wine making. Besides oak barrels, oak tools and all the other ways oak can be used in wine making is covered. What type of oak used for which wine is also discussed. This video runs 37:42 minutes in length. 
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