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Instructional Material -- Game
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In this computer game, made available by Borough of Manhattan Community College, users can test their knowledge of algebraic principles. After selecting Play, users are prompted to select from the following topics: Variables on Opposite Sides, Radical Equations, Absolute Value Equations, Quadratic...
These cards were used by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) at several 2023 events to act as icebreakers. Attendees has to get up and walk around the room to meet others who fit each bingo square. Winners got a small prize. Also included is a .jpeg slide explaining the rules, which can...
This IPAR (Imaging, Preserving, analyzing, and reporting) game is provided by the project "Gamified" Digital Forensics Course Modules for Undergraduates at the Rochester Institute of Technology and is part of a digital forensics curriculum that teaches students to collect evidence,...
This free interactive assessment activity from the University of Utah's Genetic Science Learning Center, part of their series titled "Cloning," allows users to test their knowledge of cloning procedures through an animated virtual game console. In this resource, users are presented with scenarios,...
This Cybersecurity Lab webpage from the PBS NOVA Labs website includes an interactive game and videos about cybersecurity. In this game users defend a company that is the target of cyber attacks. The goal is to strengthen cyber defenses and block attackers by completing a series of challenges. Users...
This animated game, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), tests a user's knowledge in basic etch troubleshooting. Topics covered include basic troubleshooting, the technician's role, completion tasks, etch process and equipment, and procedure and strategy. The game is...
This animated game, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), tests a user's knowledge of photolithography. Topics covered include aspects of the three primary stages of the photolithography process. The game is Jeopardy style and users can choose questions worth 100 to 500...
This animated game, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), tests a user's knowledge of oxidation. Topics include semiconductor oxidation, linear parabolic model, factors that affect oxidation, oxidation techniques, and inspection. The game is Jeopardy style and users can...
SimBuilding, created by the Concord Consortium at Santa Fe Community College (SFCC), allows educators to build educational games that collect learner data that can then be analyzed to assess how players learn from the game. The types of games that can be created using SimBuilding include:...
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure, teaches students which patients, from a variety of samples, have diabetes. Students will measure "...the glucose concentration of several synthetic blood and urine samples..." This contains a 13-page teacher guide, that...
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