This Project will provide a series of three-day, intensive focused, hands-on professional and curriculum development workshops/conferences and follow-up activities for physics teachers in TYCs and HSs. These workshops and conferences are aimed at teachers who serve students involved in technology-based or technician careers. There will be four workshop/conferences per year held at various TYCs with special incentives to encourage teams of HS and TYC teachers. This project is builds upon and earlier physics workshop project that held 61 workshops over 15 years.

Educators from TYCs HSs, and colleges/universities, which include implementation leaders, and developers from buisness and industry will lead these workshops. They will deal with effective integration, technology implementation, and learning strategies in areas such as micromputer-based laboratories, digital video, computer simulations, conceptual tasks and tools, web and internet activities, group work, assessment of learning, and physics related technician education. Click here to read what particpants can hope to gain from attending a workshop/conference.


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