Baton Rouge Community College BRCC is pleased to host a National Science Foundation NSF funded South Carolina Advanced Technological Education SC ATE Outreach Workshop. We invite a team departmental or interdisciplinary from your institution to join us for this exciting professional development opportunity: Successful Practices You Can Use and NSF/ATE Partnerships for Funding Technical Education. At the workshop, representatives from the SC ATE National Resource Center for Expanding Excellence in Technician Education, along with Louisiana ATE partners, will share best practices in building technician programs and recruiting and retaining students, including successful collaborative teaching strategies and active learning techniques for teaching science and technology. In addition to learning about SC ATE-delivered teaching modules for technician education, your team will investigate avenues of NSF support for technician education at your institution and explore opportunities for collaborative ventures with other Louisiana institutions. Louisiana community college educators, with the support of Advanced Technological Education ATE grants from the National Science Foundation, can lead innovative efforts to improve STEM education and technician training in Louisiana, and ultimately the economic prosperity and productivity of our nation’s workforce. Each participant will be provided a $100 stipend and institutional teams will be given travel support. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. The deadline for receipt of the application forms participant application, team application and departmental endorsement is September 1, 2009. We hope to see your team in November!


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