The 2009 Annual Conference of the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) will bring together over 200 presenters and over 500 attendees in Louisville, Kentucky for research presentations, workshops, student competitions and other events. The conference also includes seven workshops on topics ranging from program accreditation and scholarly publishing, to PID Tuning and Value Stream Mapping Simulation (the VSM Simulation workshop, “The Pizza Game”, on Thursday November 13, features presenter Bob Petruska, the Continuous Improvement Manager for the Schwan Food Company.) Attendees at the conference are students, faculty , and industry personnel from over 75 two-year and four-year colleges, universities, and companies throughout the U.S. ATMAE is the recognized specialized accrediting agency for non-engineering degree 2-year, 4-year and Masters degree technology, technology management, engineering technology and applied engineering programs in regionally or nationally accredited institutions in the United States, and the ATMAE Board of Accreditation meets at the conference for accreditation hearings and a business meeting on Tuesday November 10 and Wednesday November 11.


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