Focused on the needs of high school and community college STEM educators, this workshop focuses on how measures of student progress can be made more consistent and useful for program evaluation purposes.

Based on her well-known book, Assessing Impact, Joellen Killion will provide guidance and practical resources for evaluating professional development impact. Her eight-step evaluation framework is grounded in three key assumptions: professional development is data-driven, research-based, and well-defined; those in charge of the professional development have the capacity to implement the learning and the evaluation; and key stakeholders intend to use the evaluation results to make decisions about the program. While intended to serve ATE evaluation efforts, the workshop is open to broad participation.

$295 for those with an ATE grant number;
$245 for those in the Maricopa Community Colleges;
$695 for those not affiliated with ATE or Maricopa.

Why attend? Participants will...

· Develop an understanding of the evaluation process.

· Create a theory of change for their staff development program.

· Use the theory of change to design an evaluation framework for a staff development program.

· Examine resources to assist them in evaluating their staff development program.


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