Course Description: Two day hands-on training sessions using the FRED system. The topics to be covered will be Internet Browser Forensics and Instant Messenger Forensics utilizing both EnCase and FTK, as well as a variety of other free/cheap tools.

Who Should Attend: Faculty who are interested in integrating Computer Forensics into Computer or Security courses.

Presenter: Charles Giglia has been in the field of computer forensics since 2000 concentrating primarily on the research and development of computer forensic investigative techniques and training curriculum. Charles has an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Canisius College and a graduate degree in forensic science from the University of New Haven.

Charles had been deployed nearly 18 months from 2007 to 2009 doing computer forensic investigations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom while serving as a U.S. Army Contractor in Baghdad. Previously he spent six years as Computer Crime Specialist with the NW3C while leading the development of numerous training classes. His primary concentrations were courses related to Internet investigations and Internet forensics.
Charles has been a guest presenter at the FBI training academy, as well as several IACIS, FACT, RCFG/GMU, HTCIA international/regional conferences and an adjunct professor at Fairmont State College. He is a Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE), an AccessData Certified Examiner (ACE), an EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE) and a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE).
Location : NVCC, Manassas, VA Howsman Hall Room 409
Contact : Margaret Leary mleary at


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