Are you making your summer plans? Consider spending a week in Hawaii participating in a professional development workshop designed to transform your teaching and your students’ learning. The Pacific Region Learning Summit is hosted at Leeward Community College, Pearl City, Hawaii and co-sponsored by the Destination: Scenario-Based Learning Project at Foothill-De Anza Community College District in California.

The 2010 workshops will take place on Oahu, May 24th to 28th. You can choose one of two tracks:

1. Transforming Instruction with Problem Based Learning

This track leads you through the steps required to add problem-based learning to your classroom. You will prepare a course that uses tasks from our online library ( or create your own PBL tasks, find industry volunteers to visit your classroom, practice facilitating student groups, and design feedback and assessment items for different levels of student work.

2. iCourse Design

This track takes instructors through the process of rethinking their course for online delivery. You will learn how to modify what you are doing in the classroom to delivery it effectively online. Online learning is a different way of learning and participants will be taken through the process of process of shifting from traditional to online instruction.


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