Would you like to experience creating an actual working micro-pressure sensor in a research cleanroom and bring this experience back to your classroom?
You are invited to attend the Pressure Sensor Cleanroom Workshop on June 1-5 offered by the Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) at the University of New Mexico.
SCME will pay your registration and lab fees and provide free educational material (several kits), total value over $3000. Scholarships will be awarded after the completion of the workshop:
• Out of state STEM educators: $1200
• Residing more than 60 miles from Albuquerque - $700
• Residing less than 60 miles from Albuquerque - $400
APPLY NOW! Deadline is May 12. Registration is limited to the first 12 qualified applicants. See below for details.

In this class you will learn:
about pressure sensors and will build a micro-pressure sensor in an actual research cleanroom.
This workshop includes:
• hands-on cleanroom processing in the University of New Mexico Manufacturing Training and Technology cleanroom
• cleanroom safety training and safety certification which is also applicable to lab safety you may have to teach.
• classroom instruction on pressure sensors and the manufacturing processes including hands-on experience with the kits you will receive.
• brainstorming, networking and coaching on how this material can be used in your classroom
• using our educational kits - On the last day, you will attend a capstone Micro Innovators workshop where you will put together all you've learned in designing and modeling a MEMS device.
• a professional development certificate of completion for 40 hours of class time .
Go to the SCME website to see the full program details.


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