BATEC and TechBoston are collaborating with Mass Art & Wellesley College to offer this 5-day free intermediate level hands on workshop about Teaching Interactive Multimedia with Adobe CS5 software. This course will effectively integrate elements of Visual & Graphics design standards based curriculum, STEM concepts, animation and 21st Century Skills via Project Based Learning. The PD session will cover topics in Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver, ActionScript programming using Flash and other Adobe CS5 software (as time permits). Educators will use Adobe EPortfolio and Acrobat for documenting the work done during the PD time.

Pre-requisite: Prior experience with Adobe technologies is required.

Detailed syllabus, reference materials along with software exercise files and portfolio project worksheets will be provided during the workshop.

Boston Public School Participants are expected to attend and bring their L4L laptop to all classes. If you do not have a laptop, please contact the instructor so that we can make alternate arrangements. Participants who successfully complete the course will receive 2 in-service credits, Adobe CS5 software (for schools decided according to the BPS/Adobe agreement), installation help, curriculum materials and priority access to follow-up workshops as they are offered


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