The School of Engineering is pleased to announce an exciting paid summer research opportunity for teachers, the Joule Fellows – Teachers in Sustainable Energies Research Laboratories program. The Joule Fellows program (JFP) is funded by the National Science Foundation. One unique feature of this program is that it requires at least two teachers from the same school to participate. JFP is intended to provide teachers of science, mathematics, and/or technology subjects with a rare opportunity to gain valuable hands-on laboratory exposure to ongoing research in sustainable energy areas such as biofuels, renewable fuels, fuel cells, energy storage devices (including photovoltaics) and other green energy technologies, as well as related fields.

Each participant in the Joule Fellows program receives a total stipend of $5,000, continuing educational units and a certificate of participation. The most important benefit, however, is the knowledge you will take back to your classroom. Our faculty members and grad students will work with you and your colleague to develop experimental setups and curriculum modules for your students that will both engage them and enrich their learning experiences.


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