High School STEM Teachers -
The Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) invites you to a free one day microsystems workshop.
Join the New Mexico MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) teachers in their pre-conference event and grow your network of STEM teachers!
At this conference, you will learn to use unique hands-on kits and be exposed to all that SCME has to offer. The kits contain instructor guides, PowerPoint, student learning modules, and components that will enable you to teach about microsystems in your classroom.
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are tiny machines with moving parts smaller than a human hair. Make your own MEMS device at the conference!
Learn how MEMS are used everywhere. They enable nanotechnology and relate to all STEM areas. Update your own knowledge and give your students the resources and reasons to study microsystems and STEM.
A $75 stipend will be awarded to the first 25 STEM teachers who apply, are accepted and attend the entire conference; enrollment is limited so sign up now!

When: Thursday, August 5th, 2010, 7:45 AM to 5PM
Where: UNM Manufacturing Training and Technology Center
Who: Taught by Dr. Matthias Pleil, M.J. Willis, Barbara Lopez and others
Why: Job growth in this field is accelerating. SCME wants to educate teachers about this exciting technology so that they can offer new career pathways to their students.
Cost: Free, sponsored by the National Science Foundation
Certificate awarded for 8 hours of professional development


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