Sometimes what seemed crystal-clear when the evaluation of your grant was being planned gets a little fuzzy once the data are actually in. Whether you have some evaluation data in hand or are still in the planning stage, this webinar will help you figure out what do with all those ratings, rankings, checked boxes, open-ended comments, focus group/interview transcripts, grades, website data. We’ll address —how to select analytic procedures, how to interpret the results, and what do next. We’ll especially focus on how to go beyond simply describing the data to making sense of it so that it informs you about how well your project is doing and how you can improve your work. Joining the Evala|t|e team will be Chris Coryn, a leading authority on evaluation methodology and director of Western Michigan University’s Interisciplinary Ph.D. program in Evaluation. He’ll share his expert view on selecting analytic procedures (both at the design stage and post hoc), with practical consideration of the ATE context.

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