AMTEC Academy will feature Jane Oates, Assistant Secretary of Employment and Training Administration US Department of Labor as keynote speaker, a presentation by Emily Stover DeRocco, President of the National Association of Manufacturers and an Introduction to the AMTEC national online curriculum.

Interested in the best practices for career pathways? Tomorrow's automotive industry needs a stronger, more competitive workforce for the global marketplace. AMTEC proposes to be part of the solution by helping to create that competitive workforce through highly developed career pathways and a nationally standardized integrated systems curriculum and assessments that will meet the needs of the industry.

Attend the next AMTEC Academy to find out the most up-to-date information on creating pathway models that involve employers, a must for student and industry success. Sessions will include presentations by Annette Parker, Executive Director/PI of AMTEC; Emily Stover DeRocco, President of National Association of Manufacturers; Dr. Federico Zaragoza, Vice Chancellor Professional Technical Education for Alamo Community College District; and others as well as a panel of industry experts which include Willy Kaulfersch, Ford Motor Co., JoAnne Pritchard, General Motors, and Caren Caton, Toyota's North American Production Support Services.


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