Please join us for the 9th National Career Clusters Institute at the Marriott Atlanta Marquis in Atlanta, Georgia. This year's theme is Career Clusters: A World of Career Options, One Simple Framework. The Institute promises to give you more of what you are looking for – sessions and workshops organized into strands designed for specific groups, with more hands-on breakouts. These strands include:

Strand A:Career Clusters as a Model for Collaboration
Sessions in this strand will share examples (state, local and regional) where leaders in education (secondary and postsecondary), workforce development, economic development and/or business work together for shared interests and goals using Career Clusters as the unifying model/approach.

Strand B:Innovations in Implementing Career Clusters
Sessions in this strand are targeted for leaders at the state, district and local levels in secondary and postsecondary settings. Sessions should provide practical advice, examples and resources for implementing Career Clusters or to expand/enrich current implementation of Career Clusters. Session may include a focus on how Career Clusters align initiatives and improvement efforts, the impact of Career Clusters on curriculum, guidance and/or community engagement activities in the school, how Career Clusters help align learner levels, etc.

Strand C:Career Clusters and Programs of Study: Guidance, Instruction, and Assessment
Sessions in this strand will share examples of successful efforts to develop new tools, resources or approaches in one or more of the 16 Career Clusters.

Strand D:Instruction and Innovations in One of the 16 Career Clusters
Sessions in this strand will share examples of successful efforts to develop new tools, resources or approaches in one or more of the 16 Career Clusters.


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