Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC) and college partner, Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC) will host the 2011 NCATC (National Center of Advanced Technology Centers) Summer Workshop in the Lexington, Kentucky, the "Horse Capital of the World". The Workshop will be held Wednesday, June 8 through Friday, June 10, 2011 at the Marriott Griffin Gate..

Program tracks include:

Track 1 - Standardizing Curriculum to Meet Industry's Needs - Sessions in this track will include the unveiling of the much awaited AMTEC national standardized online curriculum, utilizing interactive digital content to design the virtual trainer, and AMTEC's national assessment and certification.

Track 2 - Providing a Pipleline Through Career Pathways - These sessions will include the AMTEC Career Pathway Model and a Best Practice Model in action, the new high school model for educating the technicians of tomorrow, a view of KCTCS's online developmental education, a panel discussion of the Toyota and BCTC Intern Program.

Track 3 - Industry Perspectives on Technician Education - Sessions include a panel discussion with AMTEC course leaders and module developers, a panel discussion on the AMTEC nationally standardized online curriculum and career pathway model, sustainable maintenance, using the AMTEC assessments to upskill employees.

Early registration has been extended until May 11.

For more information and registration visit: or


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