Attend an eight-day summer program in biotechnology designed for high school and college teachers seeking new knowledge and instructional ideas. Receive a $750.00 stipend, a hardcopy and flashdrive version of the summer workshop's laboratory exercises, and access to lab supplies and kits that will enrich your home school lab/classroom activities.
Biotechnologists works in fields that fight disease, create new drugs, improve food production and clean up the environment. In the summer workshops teachers will learn real-world applications of biotechnology that will interest their students and shape future career choices. Representatives from industry will also provide the latest information on cutting edge research trends, job availability and current salaries in the field.

Kingsborough is located on a 70-acre campus in Manhattan Beach on the southern tip of Brooklyn. The college serves about 30,000 students each year, offering a wide range of courses in the liberal arts and sciences, not to mention a private beach where workshop participants can relax, read, and swim.


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