To stay competitive, Connecticut’s 4,500 manufacturers need a skilled workforce prepared for the high-tech world of 21st century manufacturing. What can businesses, educators, and policymakers do to make sure that happens? Get answers from business leaders, government officials, and experts actively involved in manufacturing, education, and training.
Presented by: CBIA Education Foundation
Copresenters: The Connecticut Community Colleges’ College of Technology’s Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing, CONNSTEP, Aerospace Components Manufacturers, New Haven Manufacturers Association, Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Smaller Manufacturers Association of Connecticut
Program Features:
• Keynote Speaker – Catherine Smith, Commissioner, CT DECD
• Keynote Speaker – Emily DeRocco, President, The Mfg. Institute and its National Center for the American Workforce and Sr. VP of the National Assoc. of Mfg.
• 2011 Manufacturing Survey, sponsored by The Connecticut Community Colleges’ College of Technology’s Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing and J.H. Cohn.
• Leading manufacturers on the current state and future of the industry in CT
• State perspective on plans for economic & workforce development in mfg.
• Panel Discussion on Mfg. Workforce needs
CBIA Members & educators $25
Nonmembers $50
Table of Ten $225
Visit the program website for more information:
or call Lise Cliche at 860-244-1977 or by email at


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