(7 days)

Hacker Halted returns to Miami for the third year running. Following last year's resounding success, this year's event is poised to be bigger and better. There will be four focused tracks as follows:

1. "What's Hot" - Featuring cutting-edge presentations on key topics and aspects of information security, including policies and management issues.

2. "Cut the Crap, Show Me The Hack" - highly technical track featuring no-nonsense technical security experts who demonstrate the latest hacks, reveal new zero-days, and showcase the most current threats and vulnerabilities.

3."Securing SCADA & Critical Infrastructures" - Following the 2010 appearance of the groundbreaking Stuxnet worm, SCADA security has become an issue of growing concern. This track will feature high-level presentations from noted experts in the field.

4."Up in the Clouds" - Focused on cloud computing and the security elements surrounding it.
Since 2004, the global series of Hacker Halted has been successfully organized in different cities, including Myrtle Beach, Dubai, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Cairo, Guangzhou, Taipei and Tokyo. The objective of the global series of Hacker Halted conferences is to raise international awareness towards increased education and ethics in Information Security.

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  • Conference
ATE Area:
  • Information and Security Technologies
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