(3 days)

The National Educators Workshop (NEW) is now produced and managed by the National Resource Center for Materials Technology Education (MatEd). MatEd’s goal is to re- energize the Workshop with increased participation through a focus on the traditional strengths of NEW and attracting increased numbers of dynamic, exciting presenters through an expanded, enhanced “Call for Papers” process.

NEW builds upon 26 years of annual workshops aimed at promoting science, engineering, and technology secondary and postsecondary education. NEW has provided over 7000 participants with over 600 demonstrations and laboratory experiences exploring the latest developments in materials science while offering strategies for improving teaching and learning.

Recent endeavors have provided successful practices and hands-on curricular materials that strengthen young people's understanding of STEM principles and enhance technology education integration. Peer review and publication of NEW presentations, experiments and demonstrations have provided the materials education community with current, valuable aids for teaching and research.

NEW offers significant benefits and impact in terms of career awareness for students, professional development for faculty, and the sharing of successful practices in pedagogy. NEW provides exceptional opportunities to the national STEM community as a whole by:
Promoting a STEM Education Pathway;
Supporting integration of Material Science and STEM by inviting participation across educational levels including secondary schools, and industry;
Providing valuable opportunities for STEM teachers to broaden their perspectives and knowledge and expand their professional development venues;
Supplying the materials education community with current, valuable aids for teaching and research, which can be used immediately in the classroom.
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
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