This workshop is recommended for all principal investigators, co-principal investigators and other team members involved in newly awarded projects and centers in FY11. Others who may find the workshop useful include new awardees in FY10 and other project personnel from prior years who have recently become involved in ATE projects and centers. The workshop will be divided into three parts: (1) ATE Program Issues. Topics to be covered include reporting requirements such as annual and final reports, working with NSF program officers, changes in project personnel or scope, data collection, FastLane and other reporting systems, use of Advisory Boards and National Visiting Committees, preparing project highlights for NSF and others, Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), and many other relevant topics. (2) Financial Management and Grant Management Issues. This section will focus on financial accounting issues and discuss in detail problems often seen in monitoring visits such as participant support, time and effort accounting, subawardees, record keeping, changes in scope, overload, and use of consultants. (3) Evaluation. This segment will address building in evaluation from the start of your project or center. The ATE program has an annual survey of all projects and centers that have been active for more than one year. Additional evaluation topics to be addressed include, but are not limited to, evaluation design, methods and instrumentation, resources for learning about productive evaluation, the roles of internal and external evaluators, and evaluation challenges.

Wednesday, October 26: 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Advance Registration and Ticket Required: Fee - $50.00
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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ATE PI Meeting Pre Conference Workshop- Getting Started.ics


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