An innovation is just an idea until people put it into practice. In this interactive workshop, you will work with dissemination and marketing mentors, experts, and your peers to design a more effective dissemination and marketing plan for your project so that others will put your innovations into practice. Starting with your project’s broader impact statement and evaluation plan, you will be guided in developing a dissemination and marketing plan appropriate for your project’s current status that includes measurements to gauge your success. Resources, examples, and ideas will be shared by the facilitators, a panel of experts, and participants. You will leave with an action-ready plan to market and disseminate your project’s work and track its impact.

Wednesday, October 26: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Advance Registration and Ticket Required: Fee - $50.00
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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